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Stream The Art Pop Sounds of Alivenique


Alvenique, the new future femme art pop project from Ali Beletic couldn’t reveal itself at a better time. As we saw our country torn apart by division, her new single “Tune In [Prelude]” offers a catchy pop sound that’s also calming and contains a sound that falls perfectly on the ears. With a full length coming later in the year, this song is just a wake up call for anyone who wants it.

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The beat infused opening has a real future sound. With the vocals mixed in between the cluster of tones, the track has an immediacy to it with an overall fire sound. There’s an arty sound here where dark synths roll in underneath echoed vocals in a way that not only intrigues, but also grooves. The structuring of the song is filled with melodic hooks that echo back to eighties synthesizers while keeping your head bopping and getting your feet moving.

The song can be heard above or on all streaming sites. The song is also available to purchase directly from Lightning Records.

Image Credits: Photo by Lightning & Fabrizio Raschetti.



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