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SNST is Born From Ever-Evolving


In music, the best artists are the ones who evolve. While some acts have made a fortune cranking out the same ole same ole,there are plenty of acts who thrive on changing things up with whatever they release. While you may know Chris Broach from his time in the emo group Braid or with The Firebird Band, you may not be familiar with his latest project SNST. While their debut album was a different lineup, now the band is made up of Broach and his wife, both artists who want to mix things up with each release. What impressed us, is that Broach doesn’t have to mix things up, yet he does. That’s why we spoke to him for our podcast Self Released Songs.

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Beginning back tohis early punk days, Broach had been in bands prior to his days with Braid. However after he joined, the band went on a tireless parade of tours and releases until their landmark release Frame and Canvas. While Braid didn’t last much longer after its release, the album is still a staple among emo fans. While Hey Mercedes formed in his absence, Broach went on to start The Firebird Band, a group that was always a bit ahead of the curve. Between The Firebird Band and SNST Broach started his own studio Mass Energy that  still exists today, and produces the work of SNST among others.

But while his production work is top notch and The Firebird Band was ever evolving, SNST is where the magic is. Even after a Braid reunion, tour and new album, SNST holds all of the energy and sorcery that Broach brings to his music. Now with his wife Sonja on vocals, the music that SNST makes has this always changing while always containing their core sound vibe. The latest run of singles from the duo have a depth that the project didn’t have in their earlier years, and the result  is a sound that will keep moving forward. Even with a new album It’s Hard To Be Loved By You due in May, the group has begun work on what will come next. Ever-evolving, into something stronger than its predecessor.

The entire catalog from SNST is available to purchase directly from Bandcamp. The band can be followed on all social media platforms as well. The new album It’s Hard To Be Loved By You is set for release on May 29. It will be ready for preorder beginning May 01 through the band’s Bandcamp page. Self Released Songs is available to stream on all podcast platforms, on this website or it can be supported here.

Image Credits: Photo Courtesy of Artist.

David Garrick

David Garrick has spent the last five years interviewing some of the most intriguing and engaging artists performing today. Everyone from Angel Olsen to Phoebe Bridgers, Wire to Yo La Tengo, Snail Mail to Soccer Mommy, Ghost to First Aid Kit, The Breeders to Protomartyr, and many more. He's a giant fan of music of pretty much any genre; but especially to the underdogs. He's been known to see more concerts in a week than many people will see in a year.


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